Saturday, October 8, 2011

A Walk in the Rain...

It was an overcast day.  It'd been sprinkling here and there.  Then the rain really started coming down.  As it started to pour Marcus ran up to me.  I thought I would hear the words, "That's scary," but instead I heard, "I want walk."  Puzzled I repeated what he said, "You want to go for a walk??? Outside??? In the rain???" Yes, of course! 

We're very coordinating today.  Blue and red jacket...

With TWO blue and red slippers...

A complete outfit...

Of course, in our house, pants are not necessary for a complete outfit.  If you haven't heard me say this before, it's because we like to live green.  We like to conserve our resources by producing less laundry :)  Yes.  That's it.

Nevertheless, it was a pleasant little walk in the rain with my sweet little boy.

1 comment:

Lanakila and Laryssa Barton said... [Reply]

:-) He is soooo cute! I cannot believe how much he has grown since we were there! I love you my Marcus Marcus Blake Blake Blake!!! ;-)